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10 Little Things To Make A Big Change In Your Life

This article will give you 10 simple changes that have been proven by science and experts as being effective ways of improving your life. These changes don't require any major lifestyle overhauls or drastic commitments- they're small tweaks that will have big impacts on your day-to-day happiness!

We all know that there are a million things we could be doing to make our lives better, but it can be hard to figure out what those things are.

It's easy to feel overwhelmed by the sheer number of options and not know where to start. Sometimes you just need someone else with experience in this area who has researched for you.

This article will give you 10 simple changes that have been proven by science and experts as being effective ways of improving your life. These changes don't require any major lifestyle overhauls or drastic commitments- they're small tweaks that will have big impacts on your day-to-day happiness!

Wake up early to do your morning routine

I wake up early to do my morning routine- and I'm not just talking about getting up in the morning! It's making sure that I have done all of the things in my morning routine before I start with work tasks.

For my morning routine, I’ll start with writing on my gratitude journal, make my coffee, read a book for 20 min followed by working out on my X3 system. On weekends, I’ll include talking a morning walk as my morning routine. By doing so, I feel relaxed and have more control over my day.

There are a lot more benefits to waking up early to do your morning routine. I strongly encourage you to try that.

Start a gratitude journal to help you focus on the positive things in your life

This is a strategy that can be used as you go through your day or right before bed. Write down 5 things you're grateful for every night before going to sleep.

I usually do it in the morning. You'll find this leads to increased happiness and well-being. It will also keep you focused on what's important and good in your life, rather than what's not going so well. If you are unsure what to write about, just start with “I’m grateful for…” You can start to think about…

1) Your family

2) A successful workout at the gym today

3) Your happy mood right now

4) The beautiful weather outside today

5) The feeling of accomplishment after finishing the to-do list!

Exercise every morning - even if it's just for 5 minutes

Exercise is the best way to start your day off on the right foot. You'll feel happier, energized and ready to take on whatever tasks await you- and there are many, including those that require you to be at your best.

Studies have shown that moderate exercise in the morning improves mental performance all day long- so it's a great way to keep your energy levels up and to ward off fatigue. Of course, it doesn't matter what time of day you do it, but I always find that carving out time in the morning to workout is the best because it prepares you mentally and physically for the day and you can strike off one important thing from your to-do list.

Drink more water

The average person is supposed to drink 8 glasses of water per day, but if that number seems daunting to you, start with smaller changes such as drinking small sips of water frequently during the day.

One pro tip for you which I find very useful. You can find a nice looking water bottle that you love and carry it with you wherever you go or simply put it beside you when you are working. It will remind you to drink up. I bring my water bottle along whenever I go for my lesson and it’s really great because sometimes I could be out of the office for 2-3 hours. So my water bottle is useful for me to let me drink more.

So remember to drink more water as it will help keep you hydrated, healthy and feeling great!

Clean one area of your room to feel better

If your home is a mess and you're feeling overwhelmed, clean up one small area and see how much better you feel.

A good place to start?

Your bedside table or desk. We tend to spend a lot of time in these areas so they can be overwhelming when they are cluttered. I make it a point to clean up my working desk before I start working.

It takes only 5-10 minutes and trust me, you will feel better and more productive.

Schedule time for yourself every day, even if it's just 15 minutes

It's important to take time for yourself every day. You don't need to drop everything and go run a marathon, but by taking time for yourself each day you'll feel better, have more energy, be able to focus on what's important, and ultimately be more productive.

There are many things you can do in these 15 minutes- meditate and unplug from your phone, read a book or just take a walk. By scheduling a me-time, you have something to look forward to recharging yourself during the day.

Stop buying new clothes

I no longer buy new clothes.

It has been years since I purchase a new shirt or jeans because I don't even wear them. By doing so, it saves me a lot of money.

I also narrow my daily wear to a few options only because I don’t want to spend too much time deciding what I want to wear every day. Research says we make a lot of decisions subconsciously, so try to reduce the options available. It can help to prevent decision fatigue.

Having too many clothes simply add to your decision making

Avoid putting the phone beside your bed

Nowadays, I put my phone in another room before I go to sleep and I have noticed that I sleep better.

One study has found that the blue light emitted from our screens messes with our circadian rhythms and can lead to insomnia or a messed up sleep schedule. The screen itself is also disruptive because it tricks our minds into thinking we're productive by scrolling through social media, even when we do nothing but scroll all night!

So try it out, don’t put the phone beside the bed and see what happens to your sleep.

Put away the phone when with family

I spend more quality time with my family by putting my phone away and imposing a rule that we can't use the phone during dinner. This way, I am not staring down at the screen and not focusing on what my kids are telling me.

I found this to be very important because it improves my relationship with my family members. They are my loved ones so I should give them my full attention.

So next time when you are spending time with your family or friends, try putting the phone away and you will find that the conversation and the activities are more enjoyable.

Start a new hobby or learn a new skill that makes you happy

This may not be a small change, depending on your hobby or what new skills you are learning.

To me, I love making Youtube videos as I am learning something every time. For example, learning how to shoot B roll, learning how to use the video editing software to edit my videos etc. I found that making time for myself to do something interesting makes me happy!

I make sure to spend some time with myself regularly because this is a key part of my mental health. I am more prepared and able to handle the workload of my full-time job every day.

So I highly recommend you invest in your well-being so that you can have the energy and mental clarity needed to take care of all things in your life.


It's easy to feel overwhelmed and overworked in the modern world. There are a lot of distractions that can cut into our day, as well as things we don't want to do but know we should.

Thankfully, there are some simple changes you can make today that will immediately impact your life- from making sure you take care of your well-being to spending more time with family.

If these 10 ideas sound like something you need in your life right now, let me know! Which one of these 10 suggestions has been most helpful?

Leave your comments below.


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