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How To Read A Business Book In One Day (Shortform review)

Jim Rohn once said, “Reading is what brings us to new knowledge. It opens new doors. It helps us understand mysteries. It lets us hear from successful people.“

Do you know, according to Pew Research Center, roughly 25% of American adults don’t read books at all. About 75% of American adults read at least one book in a year which is not a lot too.

I am sure we have been told that books are valuable resources for us to learn stuff and improve ourselves. Reading has been shown to improve your physical and mental health. Research from professors at UC Berkeley have found that the more children read, the greater their vocabulary growth and cognitive skills. Successful people like Bill Gates, Warren Buffett and Mark Cuban all rave about the importance of reading.

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Books are valuable resources for us to learn

I love to buy books after hearing some recommendations from podcasts, youtube videos etc. but sometimes I find it a struggle to read the book because I have no time or the book is simply too massive. For example, take Ray Dalio's "Principles”. I know there are a ton of gems inside this book but somehow I can’t seem to find the time to read it. There are also many other books waiting for me to read them. Not to mention the size and weight of the book. It is just not ideal to carry around. Do you face this problem like me?

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I have this book for a long time but just can't find time to read

Just last month, a friend recommended that I check out an app called Shortform. It is a game-changer app that has since changed my reading experience for the better. In this article, I'm going to take you on a deep dive into this fantastic app that's transformed the way I consume books.

What is Shortform?

So, what exactly is Shortform? Well, my friends, it's a book summary app that condenses those thick books into bite-sized, actionable summaries. Think of it as your personal book summary genie—here to grant your wish of reading more, even those intimidating books, without the procrastination.

Let me take you through the application now.

After you have downloaded the app and register for an account, you will come to this Discover tab. Over here you will see which books you are currently reading, what are the recommended books,what are the popular books etc.

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The Discover Tab

The next tab is the Books tab. You will be able to see the different categories of books. For example, Arts/ Design, Business, Biography/ Memoir, Entrepreneurship, History and many more. I love the vast categories shown here. It is like entering a virtual library where I can immerse myself into the sea of books.

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The Book Tab

Next to the Books tab is the Articles tab. They have many interesting articles written by their in-house Shortform Explainers. Looking at the article headlines, they look interesting but I haven’t been reading them. You may want to open up the article and check it out.

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The Articles Tab

Next, they have a Library tab, this tab shows which books you are currently reading, your favourite books and the books that you have completed. It is a nice personal record for you to track.

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My Library Tab

Finally, the last tab is the search tab. You can easily search for any title that you are interested in and see if the book you want is in their library.

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The Search Tab

Now, before we jump into the pros and cons, if you're as intrigued as I was, read to the end, because I've got a special treat for you towards the end of this article. You won't want to miss it!

Pros of Shortform

Let's dive into the pros of Shortform. Firstly, the quality of information and reviews is top-notch. Shortform offers both one-page summaries (well… not exactly one page) and detailed chapter breakdowns. It's like having a book club in your pocket, ready to discuss the latest reads with you.

Another game-changer is that it reduces reader anxiety. No more frantic note-taking while reading. The comprehensive reviews allow you to dive into the content without the fear of missing out on crucial ideas.

Shortform also excels at information retention. It often provides audio versions of their reviews, creating a unique audiobook-like experience. And the reflection exercises at the end of each summary enhance your understanding and application of the content.

For all you productivity enthusiasts out there, Shortform plays incredibly well with note-taking tools like Notion or Readwise. Your highlights and notes can seamlessly become part of your knowledge database.

Cons of Shortform

Now, let's talk about the cons. The unique part about Shortform is that they have their own writers to critic or substantiate the author’s point of view. It is supposed to give you a diverse perspectives but I find it redundant sometimes because I only want to read what the author is sharing. Also, book summaries tend to cut out the stories that authors shared in the book. Therefore, if you love to read stories, Shortform will not give you the full content. It does what it is best for- book summary.

While Shortform offers a substantial selection of books, it might not cover every title you're interested in. But don't despair—you can always request missing books, and they're continuously expanding their library.

Lastly, it's important to note that Shortform is a paid service. Now, I know what you might be thinking, "Joel, isn't there a free alternative?" Well, my friend, remember, quality often comes with a price tag. But stick around because there's something special coming up.

Who Should Consider Trying Shortform?

Now, let's talk about who should consider diving into the world of Shortform. If you're a content creator like me, Shortform can be a goldmine for generating ideas and crediting original authors. Trust me; it's a content creator's dream.

If you're a Notion nerd or an organization enthusiast who loves building personal knowledge bases, Shortform seamlessly integrates with your favorite tools. It's like the missing puzzle piece.

Entrepreneurs. If your schedule is busier than a beehive, Shortform can help you filter out the most valuable reads, so you're always staying ahead of the game.

And for all you lifelong learners out there who take education seriously, Shortform can be your secret weapon. It's the bridge between knowledge and action.

If you're ready to embark on your Shortform journey and unlock a world of efficient reading, I've got a special offer just for you.

By using my exclusive link here, you'll get a whopping 20% discount on the annual plan. That's right, 20% off! Remember, this offer is a limited-time deal, so don't wait too long to take advantage of it.

Have you tried Shortform, or are you considering it? Share your thoughts in the comments below. Let's spark a discussion and help each other on our productivity journeys.

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